LIve a life of FREEDOM despite the circumstances!

Hello, I'm Sherri
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. Proverbs 3:5
Hosted by Spiritual healer, author and licensed therapist Sherri Overstreet this podcast is a mix of her own story of miraculous healing and how 2 different Cancer diagnoses changed the course of her life and allowed her to channel the divine.
Overstreet brings healing to others through Q&A sessions, interviews with others that have had a miraculous healing in their life. It focuses on giving up FIGHTING for life and learning how to LIVE without DIS -Ease.
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My Hope For you
Live a life of FREEDOM despite the circumstances!
One of the major ways I lived my life was by my own knowledge and my own understanding. As I look back I realize it’s a much more painful way to live. I operated this way mostly because I wanted to have control. I was controlled as a child and suffered traumatic child abuse until the age of 16 so trusting adults was not an option. This blocked me from trusting in the Father.
In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths. Proverbs 3:6
As a Licensed Counselor with a degree in Clinical Counseling I worked with many patients that are suffering emotionally. I was able to help many people understand their emotions AND it wasn’t until after I was diagnosed with an incurable disease that I had missed something significant. I was spiritually dead. I had lost who I really was and then God intervened in a way I never would have imagined.
My definition of DISease is anything that takes you away from when you truly are. It could manifest itself physically, mentally, emotionally and even spiritually. Stephanie Murray, Author of The Coronation of Love and I discuss multiple topics around these issues. Instead of throwing something at the symptoms we discuss pulling it from the roots, an opportunity to discover your TRUE identity and being able to EXPRESS it out to the world.
Contact Sherri
If you would like to have Sherri as a guest speaker at you church, business or podcast please contact her below for more information at SherriOverstreet50@gmail.com.
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