My Books
When I was young I gravitated towards books. I read lots of fiction books. Reading was an escape for me. I loved getting lost in a good story. Later as an adult anything I had an urge to learn I would start reading books on that subject. As an adult I have read so many personal development and spiritual books I lost count. My passion for reading also turned into journaling. I have stacks of them. This passion led to me writing my first book. I believe that if you read all my books you will see how much I have grown not only in my writing but in my soul. My prayer is that through my own trauma and healing that it will help someone else in some way.

About Me
Author Sherri Overstreet, MA, LPC
I have always been passionate about writing and most of my life I kept it to myself. It wasn’t until I challenged myself to write a book in 90 days in 2013. It was one of the most challenging experiences as I learned to become more honest and vulnerable as I shared with the world.
The Love Letter I
Discover the love that is inside of you! Begin and strengthen yourself and the relationship within you.
Learn how this journey begins by writing a love letter to the most important person in your life: you.
Lunch Pail and Hair Knots: A Therapist’s guide to Financial Happiness
Each chapter has a personal story that guides you to begin to release the blocks to what you long for most: happiness, security and clear direction with money…
What are you LIVING for? A Memoir
When I was in 2nd grade I remember the amount of relief I felt in my stomach as I left home to walk to the bus stop. I felt safe going to school and I felt safe at school. I was never excited to go home. I was always afraid…
The Love Letter I
At the time I started writing The Love Letter I. I was just starting to come out of a depression. I joined a 90 day program where I thought it would help me get out of my black cloud. One of the requirements was to set 3 goals. So I made writing a book my goal.
The book was written from pain and I also wanted my pain to be for a reason. Maybe the reason would be to help someone that has a similar story. I also knew there were alot of people that would take time to write a love letter to someone else but not themselves. Why are we always last on the list?
It is short to the point read however there are thought and emotion provoking questions at the end of each chapter.

Lunch Pail and Hair Knots: A Therapist's Guide to Financial Happiness
As a business owner I constantly struggled with money. Why did I keep doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result. This according to Einstein is the definition of insanity.
I discovered my root of unhappiness around money. I was raised to believe that you have to constantly work hard to make it in this world. Money is scarce, you have to struggle and work hard. Which is NOT true! This book will reveal snippets from my own life around money and will ask you questions about yours. May you discover your root and pull it out!!
What are you LIVING For?
A Memoir
In 2022 life turned upside down. How could a healthy 52 yr old woman end up in the ER 3 days before her birthday? Who knew that cancer would be my greatest teacher and the biggest discovery it has NOT been the hardest thing I have ever been through.
I survived a traumatic childhood that invoked fear. I was always scared my mom would take my life on purpose and I was in constant worry that my Dad would die from drunk driving. Cancer has not been the worst thing that ever happened to me. It prompted my intense healing that has helped pull the roots out of a traumatic childhood full of physical, mental/emotiional and sexual abuse. The face of cancer is NOT at all what I thought it would be and what has been portrayed out in the world. I can clearly see how my undealt with trauma created a dis EASE in my body.

Contact Sherri
If you would like to have Sherri as a guest speaker at you church, business or podcast please contact her for more information at